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Panier Jacinthe d'eau panier à linge jacinthe d'eau

Water hyacinth basket

Balinese Water Hyacinth Baskets

History, culture and artisanal use of water hyacinth 

water hyacinth, also known as African water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant that is native to tropical Africa. This plant has become an important source of manufacturing material forindonesian artisansdue to its great abundance in the fresh waters of the country.

Water hyacinth was first introduced inIndonesiaat the beginning of the 20th century. Originally, the plant was grown as an ornamental plant for its vibrant blue and purple flowers. However, over time the plant spread rapidly and began to become a nuisance to the country's waterways.

THEindonesian artisansquickly realized that the plant could be used to make many objects, such asbaskets, of thebagsor evenhats. Water hyacinth is easily woven and has a remarkably natural texture that gives each object a unique appearance.

Water hyacinth is grown in swampy areas and shallow ponds in Indonesia. The plant grows quickly and is easy to care for, making it ideal for small businessescraft. After harvesting, the leaves of the plant are dried in the sun before being woven into various decorative or furnishing objects.

Panier Jacinthe d'eau panier à linge jacinthe d'eau

The processes ofmanufacturingused byindonesian artisansto make Water Hyacinth into crafting items are varied and depend on the type of item being crafted. The leaves of the plant are usually cut into thin strips before being woven. Crafters can also add other materials, such aspearlsor someseashells, to createmore elaborate designs.

One of the most common creations made fromWater hyacinth are the baskets. THEwater hyacinth basketsare often used fortidyeveryday objects such asfruits, THEvegetablesor even thebathroom accessories. Thesebasketsare appreciated for theirlightnessand their aestheticsnatural.

THEwater hyacinth bagsare also a great classic in Indonesia. These bags have a unique texture that gives any room a natural look in a style that's both elegant and rustic. THEwater hyacinth bagscan be used on a daily basis, whether for transporting small items, such as water bottles or books, or for shopping at the market.

Many other products are made from thissustainable and ecological material. THEwater hyacinth laundry basketsare particularly popular because they aremoisture resistantand easy to transport. THEwater hyacinth baskets with lid, on the other hand, are ideal for storing objects such as toys, magazines or laundry, while maintaining an aesthetic appearance.

Water hyacinth laundry baskets and storage baskets

THEwoven water hyacinth storage basketsare highly valued for their aesthetic quality. They can be used as a means ofstorageor as simpledecorative objectand add a natural touch to our home interiors, patios or terraces. THEround water hyacinth basketsare the most common but there are obviously many variations of shapes and colors.

Besides thebaskets, THEindonesian artisansalso usewater hyacinthto manufacturedecoration accessoriesas for example, thewall plateswhich are now very popular in many countries. These plates are made using techniquestraditionalof weaving and are often adorned withfloral patterns, ofmacrameand bright colors or on the contrary pastels, which arranged in number on large empty walls bring a touch of elegance,of exoticismand incomparable refinement, sounding like an invitation to travel and to taste the sweetness of lifeindonesian. THEwater hyacinth lampsare also very popular for their elegance and their warm and natural appearance. They are made using similar weaving techniques.

Finally, decorative water hyacinth boxes are highly valued for their aesthetics and practicality. These boxes, generally small in size, traditionally used as offering boxes, are most often used in our countries to store jewelry or other valuables. They are decorated with geometric or floral motifs and are made entirely by hand, using traditional weaving techniques that are passed down from generation to generation.

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